jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Trending topics in the 5th INSC

Aquí teneis una wordcloud que hemos podido hacer con los abstract que se presentaron al 5th International Nonlinear Sciences Conference celebrado en Barcelona durante los pasados 15-17 de Marzo. El gráfico trasmite una idea fiel de cuáles fueron los tópicos de mayor interés durante la conferencia.


Here you have a wordcloud that we could do using the abstracts that were presented in the 5th International Nonlinear Science Conference, held in BArcelona during the last March 15th-17th. The figure shows us a reliable idea of what were the topics of greatest interest during the conference.

1 comentario:

Pedro J. Ramos dijo...

Interesante lo grande que aparece "Different" :)