jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010
Técnicas de análisis de patrones caóticos: revisión de estudios empíricos en Psicología
viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010
Ha muerto Mandelbrot
Os dejo un link en el que se puede ver la entrevista que le hizo Eduard Punset para redes. Es muy interesante.
lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010
Nuevo software
Orbital Decomposition v 1.2 (by A. F. Peressini & S. J. Guastello) is now available for free downloads. ORBDE, which based on principles of symbolic dynamics, identifies recurring patterns of events in categorically-defined data. The analysis finds the optimal length of patterns, and lists the recurring patterns at that length. The final statistics include the string length, topological entropy, the (largest) Lyapunov exponent, fractal dimension, Shannon entropy, and a chi-square test for goodness of fit. See Resources for Students and Teachers,
and slide down to Menu 4. The GEMCAT program (by R. Lange & T. A. Oliva) for catastrophe analysis is also available from the same menu.
Stephen J. Guastello, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, Marquette University
sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010
Abstracts de todos los trabajos presentados en Palermo
De igual manera encontraréis información similar del resto de congresos internacionales celebrados por la SCTLS así como de las conferencias que se celebran en Estados Unidos.
jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010
Último artículo publicado
viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010
De vuelta de Palermo
lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010
4th International Nonlinear Science Conference
Aquí podréis encontrar más información sobre el evento: http://www.societyforchaostheory.org/insc/2010/
Algunos de nosotros hemos presentado la siguiente comunicación 'Healthy variability: chaos in productive organizational behavior'. Os dejamos el abstract así como la presentación utilizada:
Healthy variability: chaos in productive organizational behaviour
Authors: José Navarro1, Lucía Ceja2, Pedro J. Ramos1, Carlos Arrieta3 and Antonio L. García-Izquierdo4
1 Social Psychology Department, University of Barcelona, Spain
2 IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Spain
3 Psychology School, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
4 Psychology Department, University of Oviedo, Spain
e-mail: j.navarro@ub.edu
Research in organizational behaviour has stressed the stability and linearity of phenomena. For this reason, techniques derived from the general linear model (GLM) have been imposed on the scientific activity in the area. However, since the 90's, there has been a sea of evidence showing, that stability and linearity, seem to be the exception and not the rule in organizational behaviour. In this paper, we present three studies that we have recently conducted using different methodological techniques based on the complexity sciences (recurrence analysis, Lyapunov exponents and surrogate data); with different samples of employees (N = 48 and N = 60) and professional basketball players (N = 94). Our findings reveal strong evidence of nonlinear and chaotic behaviour in work motivation, flow and individual and team effectiveness. Specifically, over 80% of the cases examined, showed a chaotic dynamic pattern. What has been most interesting is the finding that chaotic dynamic behaviour is associated with high levels of these variables. That is, workers exhibiting high levels of motivation and flow as well as high-performance athletes are precisely those that show chaotic dynamics. These findings are in line with the “healthy chaos” thesis developed in the biological and physiological fields, and should help us to understand that the chaotic within-individual fluctuations found in work motivation, flow and individual and team effectiveness, are not anomalous functioning that should be avoided. Instead, it should be regarded as a dynamic, positive, and healthy behaviour. Moreover, our findings put forward the benefits of using nonlinear analyses as opposed to the techniques derived from the GLM.
viernes, 22 de enero de 2010
Flow y Complejidad