miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

Defensa de tesis doctoral/ PhD defence

El próximo viernes 16 de diciembre defenderé mi tesis doctoral titulada: "Flow Experiences at Work: An Approach from the Complexity Theory" dirigida por el profesor Dr. Jose Navarro.
La defensa comenzará a las 12 hrs en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Barcelona, Campus Mundet, Pg.Vall d'Hebron 171, Barcelona (en la sala de juntas del decanato).
Espero que todos experimentemos flow durante la defensa y que se desarrolle un buen debate sobre la temática de estudio, incluyendo algunos cambios repentinos y catastróficos...
Un abrazo,
On Friday the 16th of December, I will be defending my Phd thesis entitled: "Flow Experiences at Work: An Approach from the Complexity Theory" supervised by professor Dr. Jose Navarro.
The defence will take place at 12 a.m. in the Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona, Campus Mundet, Pg.Vall d'Hebron 171, Barcelona (in the meeting room within the decanato area).
I hope that we all experience flow during the defence and that a good debate is created around the topic of research, including some sudden and catastrophic changes :-)